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There is no middle ground with Beth Lear. She says she doesn't support divisive issues, but always chooses the extreme. 


Here's what she really believes.


WDLR interview:

Oct. 16, 2022

00:00 / 02:10

Lear Proud to Be Labeled as "Too Conservative":

July 28, 2022

The Bruce Hooley Show interview:

July 26, 2022

00:00 / 02:50

Ohio School Boards Leadership Council Conference:

Nov. 16, 2013


Election Denial:

Beth loves Trump (duh!).PNG
Election denier Beth... courtesy of D'Souza video.PNG
Thinks we're just trying to destroy Trump's political future.PNG

Forcing Religious Beliefs:

Western values = Biblical values.PNG
No natural family equals big government... what_.PNG


Beth believes in a secret _gay agenda_.PNG
Beth hates pride.PNG
Beth hates same-sex marriage.PNG

Moving Public Education Backwards:

Beth hates SEL.PNG
Labor day post blasting teachers.PNG
Feelings have no place in schools!.PNG

"Unapologetically" Anti-Choice:

Beth loves the fetuses... still.PNG
Beth is excited Roe is overturned.PNG
Beth is pro life (as if we didn't know).PNG

Extremely Pro-Gun:

Gun raffle fundraiser... woo!.PNG
Beth at NRA convention.PNG
Beth's epic shooting picture.PNG

Paid for by the Ohio House Democratic Caucus

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